Bukan senang nak belajar bahasa org lain kan?maksud YM bahasa yang bukan kita tuturkan setiap hari.YM masih ingat lagi,zaman-zaman skool dulu,YM study Bahasa Arab,punyalah rasa nak pitams!Hari-hari kene berdiri atas kerusi sebab tak ingat certain words in Arabic,adehh!susah nooo masa tu.Maybe sebab terpaksa la kot ambik subjek tu,tak baek sungguh kan!huhu...
Alhamdulillah,masa tu,kalau exam,oklah,YM lepas...kiranya sederhana punya achievement la.Tapi,yang tak bestnya,tak lancar2 gak cakap bahasa Arab.Hampeh sungguh.Hehe.Tapi,alhamdulilah,kalau baca quran tu,ada la certain words yang YM faham.
Ym rasa,kalau kita ikhlas belajar sesuatu bahasa tu kan?memang senang je kita boleh lancar speaking.Lagi-lagi kalau kita minat!lagi lajuuuu kita kuasai bahasa tu kan?Kalau setakat nak lulus peksa,mcm YM ni,hurrmmmm....tu yg mcm kura2 tu,hihi.
Owh ye,YM nak share Youtube clips nieh...menarik sangat!Org2 putih ni nyanyi lagu Najwa tawwww!cool giler!Rasa macam tak percaya pulak yang diorg boleh nyanyi.Hehehe...
Ni caption dari org Malaysia yang upload video nie-->
This is my American high school Chorus group from Chariho Regional High
School, Rhode Island! My Chorus teacher, Ms. Dowding asked me if I have
any song from Malaysia that I can teach to Chorus. The easiest and
meaningful song that I can find is Sahabat by Najwa Latif. So, I decided
to teach them this song! It was hard for them to learn this song, but
then they get used to the language and everything gets easier. We didn't
sing some part of the song because it's hard without music and I can't
find any piano chord for this song.
School, Rhode Island! My Chorus teacher, Ms. Dowding asked me if I have
any song from Malaysia that I can teach to Chorus. The easiest and
meaningful song that I can find is Sahabat by Najwa Latif. So, I decided
to teach them this song! It was hard for them to learn this song, but
then they get used to the language and everything gets easier. We didn't
sing some part of the song because it's hard without music and I can't
find any piano chord for this song.
I know they really sounds Americanized which is I like it to be that way. What do you expect for?
They're Americans. I mean, awesome group of Americans! And btw, they
know the meaning of this song because I translated it for them. My
teacher cried while reading the meaning of this song for the class. That
shows how much passion Ms. Dowding has for this :)
They're Americans. I mean, awesome group of Americans! And btw, they
know the meaning of this song because I translated it for them. My
teacher cried while reading the meaning of this song for the class. That
shows how much passion Ms. Dowding has for this :)
This is a fun class where I get to know a group of nice and talented people with a
super nice teacher. I love them so much. Thank you so much for letting
me teach you guys a song and thank you so much for the awesome
experience in a lifetime!
The cool thing bagi YM ialah cikgu dia nak juga org kita ajarkan something dari negara kita kan?mmg terbaek ar! :) Walau di mana kita berada,Malaysia tetap di hati! Be Proud to be Malaysian guys!
Oklah, jumpa Next Entry yaaaa!Jaga diri!
Oklah, jumpa Next Entry yaaaa!Jaga diri!

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